It was a beautiful sunny day in the land of Thessaly, where a large grove is dedicated to me! Citizens were worshiping and adoring the trees- especially the one that I love the most. This one is an enormous oak tree, standing as tall as the Heavens themselves. People stared in amazement of this astounding, special tree and grove.
Then one day, a man by the name of Erysichthon decided he is better than any god or goddess, and chose to cut down my sacred tree for his own purposes. Rumors suggest he planned to create a banquet table for his feasting hall. Out of my tree! How silly.
At first, the arrogant man did not attempt to cut down the tree on his own. Instead, he ordered his slaves to do the horrible deed. Of course they did not obey, as they realized the tree was dedicated to me and that so many people loved it dearly. Also, they knew a horrible fate would follow closely behind the action...
So Erysichthon decided he must cut it down himself. I disguised myself as a priest when he took the axe to the grove, ready to make the first move and chop down the tree. Attempting to talk him out of the cruel act failed, as he would not compromise. He really wanted that table, apparently. Erysichthon swung the sharp axe towards the oak, piercing its bark and leaving his mark. Sap like blood oozed from the cut. My tree was hurt, just as the evil man was also bound to be.
I threw off the disguise and emerged with all of my glory and anger. Innocent people that had been watching became terrified, so I removed their fears. Then, I sent them away from the scene that was about to unravel.
As punishment for trying to take my tree, I cursed Erysichthon with everlasting hunger. He ate and ate until he could bare his appetite no longer. He soon tried to sell his daughter to a sailor in order to get money for more food. Scared and upset, the daughter, Mestra, cried out for help. My brother and the father of two of my children, Poseidon, heard her cries and quickly used his powers to change her appearance. When the sailor came to pick up the beautiful girl, he could not find her, and went back to the ocean to continue his journey.
Mestra was thrilled that she could still stay on Thessaly with her father. He was also excited, as he realized he could continually sell his daughter, get the money, have Poseidon change her appearance, and keep his daughter.
But unfortunately, the old saying, money doesn't buy happiness, seems to apply here. After longing for food for the extended period of time, Erysichthon could bare it no longer. He began to eat his flesh, and eventually, took himself out of his misery.
Suicide by cannibalism.
Here, we learn not to mess with me or my nature. I can be a very sympathetic and loving person, but once you hurt something I love or myself, I may not be so gentle.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
#8 My Story- Resolution
At the last part of the story, Erysichthon's life comes to it's end. His selfish needs got him cursed with everlasting hunger (by yours truly). This hunger could not be satisfied by anything, as he soon found
out. Eating more made him long for even more food. Finally, he ate his own flesh in an attempt to fulfill the appetite. The cannibalism soon took the man, the one who tried to cut down my tree, out of his misery.
We learn to respect nature for what it is, and to not be arrogant. Erysichthon believed he was better than my grove and the people worshipping it, and figured he could cut down my magical and special oak tree for his own purposes. This behavior is what caused him to get cursed, and eventually killed him.
out. Eating more made him long for even more food. Finally, he ate his own flesh in an attempt to fulfill the appetite. The cannibalism soon took the man, the one who tried to cut down my tree, out of his misery.
We learn to respect nature for what it is, and to not be arrogant. Erysichthon believed he was better than my grove and the people worshipping it, and figured he could cut down my magical and special oak tree for his own purposes. This behavior is what caused him to get cursed, and eventually killed him.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
#7 My Story- Climax
Back to story time! Which details did we leave off at? Ahh yess.. the climax...
In my story, the climax occurs after Erysichthon attempts to cut my grove of trees. In fact, it occurs right after that, when I reveal my true identity to him; I place a fairly harsh curse over him and it begins to affect the arrogant fellow. His starvation brought him to the point where it drove him crazy. Erysichthon's hunger made him sell off his daughter for money to get more food (his daughter didn't end up getting taken away as expected, but the sailors' money was still handed over. Those details can wait until later, though). Erysichthon eventually began to eat his own flesh in order to satisfy his never ending appetite. He does this until he finally dies.
Ultimately, the climax of the uncommon and indirect suicide method of Erysichthon shows that one cannot just cut down my trees and get away with it. Consequences will follow, and I can assure you of that.
Monday, February 9, 2015
#6 My Story- Conflict
Erysichthon was caught attempting to chop down my special tree, as you may have heard. And even if you didn't figure that out quite yet, you should realize that caused a lot of conflict. That oak tree was my favorite. Also, the people of Thessaly worshiped it, along with yours truly. I was extremely upset when Erysichthon hurt it by putting a blade to its strong bark. Nobody harms the nature of Demeter! Nobody! After all, that is what I am the goddess of. It's my passion.'
And yeah, my anger went towards putting a curse on the evil King. But what is worse? He tried to sell his daughter to a sailor in order to overcome the curse. How pathetic! At least he had gotten the chance to have his own daughter.. (that was for you, Hades). Associated with this is somewhat of another conflict. When Mestra was crying out in hope that she would not be taken away from her hometown and father when the sailor arrives to the shore, Poseidon heard her. He was angry with Erysichthon's decision, and turned Mestra into numerous other characters every time her father attempted to sell her.
Ultimately, just appreciate nature for what it is, and you won't end up making your daughter and a couple of gods upset with you.
And yeah, my anger went towards putting a curse on the evil King. But what is worse? He tried to sell his daughter to a sailor in order to overcome the curse. How pathetic! At least he had gotten the chance to have his own daughter.. (that was for you, Hades). Associated with this is somewhat of another conflict. When Mestra was crying out in hope that she would not be taken away from her hometown and father when the sailor arrives to the shore, Poseidon heard her. He was angry with Erysichthon's decision, and turned Mestra into numerous other characters every time her father attempted to sell her.
Ultimately, just appreciate nature for what it is, and you won't end up making your daughter and a couple of gods upset with you.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
#5 My Story- Character Development
Erysichthon is the boastful king that tried to cut down my sacred grove. His attitude is very cocky, and it did not work out well for him. He is also not one to pay much attention to people aside from himself, including gods and his own daughter. He tried selling her off in order to get the money.
The servants of Erysichthon where those who refused to obey his orders. They were loyal to myself, Demeter. They did not want to harm the grove in any way.
I am also in this story, obviously. As for my appearance, you can refer to post one. My attitude towards Erysichthon was angry, which is understandable. Still not as angry as I am towards Hades.
Mestra was another person involved in the situation. She is daughter of Erysichthon- poor girl. Her father was more concerned about his hunger rather than her well being. But I have to cut him a tiny bit of slack, I guess he was pretty hungry...
Poseidon is another god that is mentioned when Mestra is in trouble. He is angered by her fathers actions and chooses to help her change form when the buyer comes to pick her up.
The servants of Erysichthon where those who refused to obey his orders. They were loyal to myself, Demeter. They did not want to harm the grove in any way.
I am also in this story, obviously. As for my appearance, you can refer to post one. My attitude towards Erysichthon was angry, which is understandable. Still not as angry as I am towards Hades.
Mestra was another person involved in the situation. She is daughter of Erysichthon- poor girl. Her father was more concerned about his hunger rather than her well being. But I have to cut him a tiny bit of slack, I guess he was pretty hungry...
Poseidon is another god that is mentioned when Mestra is in trouble. He is angered by her fathers actions and chooses to help her change form when the buyer comes to pick her up.
#4 My Story- the setting
Back in the day, there was a breath taking grove dedicated to me. This grove was located in Thessaly, and the people living there were just amazed by it. A tall oak stood near the center of it, but it was much taller than you are imagining. This tree reached up so incredibly high, that it could reach the heavens.
The rest of the area smelled of rain on a calm spring day, which is one of the most beautiful, soothing smells one could experience. The sounds and sights were those of birds chirping and other harmless creatures wondering leisurely among the grove of wonderful trees. The grove felt comforting and accepting, welcoming visitors into its strong arms of beauty.
Once, when a man decided to attempt to cut down the gigantic oak tree that soared high into the sky, it began to ooze sap like blood. It was quite unusual to those who observed.
Monday, February 2, 2015
3. Cultural References
So, apparently people still talk about me and my family nowadays? That's crazy, considering how long ago these stories actually occured. But, in Percy Jackson and The Olympians, I was depicted with my daughter in the Underworld. Hades was also there- it made me sick to see his jealous, no good face again. Of course, being the protective mother that never accepted Hades and Persephone's relationship, I might have nagged her a little bit. To be exact, I believe I told her the wise words of:
“I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat that pomegranate.”
And yeah, yeah, yeah, there is the rest of the movie, but that is obviously the most accurate part. Does anyone else realize that my daughter was kidnapped by Hades, my own brother, because he was lonely and jealous and thought she was beautiful??!! Out-rag-eous.
“I warned you, daughter. This scoundrel Hades is no good. You could've married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but noooo. You had to eat that pomegranate.”
And yeah, yeah, yeah, there is the rest of the movie, but that is obviously the most accurate part. Does anyone else realize that my daughter was kidnapped by Hades, my own brother, because he was lonely and jealous and thought she was beautiful??!! Out-rag-eous.
What other cultural pieces have I influenced, might you ask? Well, I have the answer for you! (And if you are already tired of me bashing Hades, try getting your child taken away for six months of every year for the same reasoning. You will find out why I am so furious.)
Anyway, anyone ever heard of this YouTube thing...? Pretty cool, right? This definitely wasn't available on Mount Olympus. Buuut, did you also know people write songs about me- Demeter? I sure didn't! I found this song that totally suits my life and how I feel though. I will add the lyrics also. Ah, don't worry, the song is short.
"I have waited patiently
For your pretty face to see
Bright and warm and love-e-ly
I missed you, Persephone
Now youre back so please don't go
Even though you will I know
I have made a sacrifice
Cool, right?!? And fairly accurate.. Persephone is really mine, so back off Hades!! If only she didn't eat the pomegranate... Okay, so the next cultural reference about ME! A grain business named "Demeter"? That's obvious. I AM the goddess of agriculture, after all. Persephone helps me sometimes... I wish she would return more often. I miss my daughter when she is gone. But if she wants to be with him, and "loves" him... Oh, I don't know. Shouldn't a mother have a say in who steals her daughter away from her?!... Her brothers shouldn't the ones to make secret deals about her daughter behind her back...
For your pretty face to see
Bright and warm and love-e-ly
I missed you, Persephone
Now youre back so please don't go
Even though you will I know
And bitter cold the winds will blow
With no lovers hand to hold
I have made a sacrifice
For the good of humankind
He had better treat you right
Because we know you're really mine"
Or do whatever... I will just demand that the Earth stop producing crops and being fertile. Your choice, brothers. But for now, bring on the cold weather until she returns!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
2. Attributes Part 2
Being Demeter, the goddess of nature, my responsibilities include to be in charge of plants and crops. Also, I must watch over Persephone during the time she is with me, since I only get to be with her for half of the year. Aside from that, I have numerous items that symbolize myself. The torch, for example, is what I am occasionally spotted carrying while in search of my daughter. This was especially true when she first went missing and I went hysterical. Some would call it even being a little demented. But, what protective mother wouldn't be? Hades wouldn't know. He is too busy being jealous that he doesn't have a daughter. Annyywayyss, wheat and poppy symbolize my role as the goddess of agriculture, and the wild flowers growing in the grain fields. I may also be seen with these items, along with barley. A pig illustrates its blood sacrifice to help fertilize the world with me, and winged serpents draw my chariot.
My birthplace is unknown, yet it is thought to be Mount Olympus. That is where I reside, at least.
Some of my siblings live with me, along with a few other Olympians. Guess who doesn't live here most of the time? HADES! Good thing too, we aren't on the best of terms... Maybe he should just find another goddess to have a child with. We do have sisters, after all.
I am a rather peaceful, modest person, if you ask me. One could describe me as calm and compassionate. I am also a patient and understanding person. But mess with me and my children, and my fierce, angry side will come out. A few of my family members have learned that. Not to mention any specific names at this time...
I have numerous friends. They include Triptolemus, Hecate, Helios, Demophon, Phytalos and Iambe, to name a few. I have also made enemies, along the way. And if you have not figured out my number one enemy, you might want to read over these posts just a little more closely. Hades. And if your daughter was kidnapped by your jealous brother and is forced to stay with him for a period of time every year, I'm sure that sibling wouldn't exactly be your bestie, either. My other enemies are Metarira, Minthe and Erysichthon. Ascalaphus and Ascalabus are a couple more people who didn't make it on the friend list, but they are different because I managed to turn them both into animals.... They totally deserved it.
Some of my siblings live with me, along with a few other Olympians. Guess who doesn't live here most of the time? HADES! Good thing too, we aren't on the best of terms... Maybe he should just find another goddess to have a child with. We do have sisters, after all.
I am a rather peaceful, modest person, if you ask me. One could describe me as calm and compassionate. I am also a patient and understanding person. But mess with me and my children, and my fierce, angry side will come out. A few of my family members have learned that. Not to mention any specific names at this time...
I have numerous friends. They include Triptolemus, Hecate, Helios, Demophon, Phytalos and Iambe, to name a few. I have also made enemies, along the way. And if you have not figured out my number one enemy, you might want to read over these posts just a little more closely. Hades. And if your daughter was kidnapped by your jealous brother and is forced to stay with him for a period of time every year, I'm sure that sibling wouldn't exactly be your bestie, either. My other enemies are Metarira, Minthe and Erysichthon. Ascalaphus and Ascalabus are a couple more people who didn't make it on the friend list, but they are different because I managed to turn them both into animals.... They totally deserved it.
1. Attributes Part 1

I am the Greek goddess known as Demeter. You may also know me as Ceres, which is my Roman name. Meter, Doso, Auxesia, Deo, Chloe, Sito and Mother Nature are other aliases associated with me. During the spring and summertime, I appear as a young, beautiful goddess with eternal youth. Come fall and winter, I wither into an older woman, yet I still hold my powers. My daughter, Persephone, is taken at this time. Thanks, Zeus and Hades. My hair is of an auburn shade accompanied by a set of brown eyes. I am a mature woman, and often one can find wheat or barley in my hand. Usually, I am dressed in finery.
My parents were the Titian Cronus and Rhea. My siblings include the gods and goddesses of Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Zeus. All of us except for Zeus were swallowed after birth. Apparently my dad didn't want us to overthrow his power. Cannibalism should never be the answer. Anyways, I was never married, although I had a number of children. They came from multiple fathers. There are numerous stories about how many children I had and whom I had them with, but Zeus was the father of my daughter Persephone, who is somewhat of a part time goddess of the Underworld. Thanks again, brothers. Also, Poseidon the father of Despoina and Arion, while Plutus and Philomelus came from Iasion. Hades never had children with me (and he is so jealous).
I am the goddess of nature. I watch over the agriculture, harvests and the growth of crops. I am also the goddess of fertility. I taught people how to settle down and plow fields to create crops. I make harvests bountiful and the Earth fertile. That is, unless I am upset and Persephone has been taken back down into the Underworld. This brings us to my weakness, the depression that comes over me at this time. Crops may fail and people may starve. Oops. That is what happens when you become jealous and take my daughter.
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